1. When (or how or in what) did you first notice Ben? (Each exclamation point represents a vote.)
Show Number Law & Order Blood In Blood Out Demolition Man The River Wild Clear & Present Danger Nasty Boys Shadowhunter Knightwatch Here's a great story! One fan writes: 'My father used to watch the Nasty Boys, but TV didn't interest me at the time. I do recall dad saying that "the kid has talent - too bad about his show." I guess that gives dad one redeeming quality.' Smart man!
Follow Me Home One Good Cop Texas A friend "introduced" me I met him!
2. What is your favorite "Rey Curtis moment" from Law & Order?
Moments across episodes:
- Any & every time Rey is on screen (22)
- When he gets physical with suspects (5)
- When Rey shows some skin (3)
- When he makes smart-aleck comments (2)
- Whenever Rey speaks Spanish (2)
- Whenever he smiles
- When he busts bad guys
- When he raises his one eyebrow
- When he gets mad
- When he's on the computer & laughs at Lennie's unwillingness to learn
- When he disagrees with Lennie
- When he's not wearing a suit
- When he honors his marriage
- When Rey was separated from his wife
- There are too many to pick just one! (2)
Moments from specific episodes:
- When he told Lennie that his wife had left him (2)
- His affair in "Aftershock" (2)
- When he wouldn't lie on the stand
- When he doesn't flirt with the coed who smiles at him & Lennie says "Yeah, she might bite."
- When he pulled his gun on the biker for calling him a "spic."
- In L.A.:
- When he decided not to cheat on his wife with Lisa Lundquist (2)
- On his "date." He looked nice.
- The bathrobe scene in the hotel
- All of the L.A. episodes
- When he said "Are you tryin' to be a wise-ass?"
- When the gay matre'd hit on him
- When he said "I'm an expert at opening juice bottles."
- In the park with the basketball & the sleeveless shirt
3. Do you think Ben will return to Law & Order after this season (its 8th)?
89% No
Click the film for results of the Movies & Roles questions
Click the heart for results of Ben's Women questions